Tension and Trauma Release Exercises

TRE (Tension and Trauma Release Exercise) Sometimes described as an inner massage, TRE is s series of 7 exercises that lead to spontaneous / involuntary tremors, releasing muscular tension and balancing the autonomic nervous system to allow more freedom, resilience and healing.

Accumulated stress / trauma can create patterns in the body / mind / emotions where messages of stress are sent to the brain activating a flight / fight response, even after the stress and trauma has passed. Or an extreme freeze state can occur. The autonomic nervous system is over-activated. Cortisol, adrenalin / opioids are released into the body.

TRE helps to break the neurological patterns of tension, balancing the over production of cortisol, adrenalin and opioids in the body caused by too much stress. It also releases the associated muscle tension. The muscles less contracted send new messages to the brain to say the threat is less and so fewer chemicals are released. 

During the neurogenic tremors (TRE process), the muscles become more and more relaxed and the chemical reaction starts to balance out bringing physical and mental / emotional relief.

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