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Rebel XF Kettlebell

Rebel XF Kettlebell

Regular price R 379.00
Regular price Sale price R 379.00
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The REBEL XF Kettlebells are premium kettlebells with unrivaled quality. They are designed for high use and offer great balance, durability, the best possible grip with their full matte finish, and stylish, ergonomic, and colour-coded horns. We offer REBEL XF Kettlebells in 4kg (light green colour-band), 6kg (light blue colour band), 8kg (pink colour-band), 10kg (light blue colour -band).


  • Ergonomic handles offer a comfortable grip throughout your workout
  • An effective tool to build strength, balance, flexibility, agility, and endurance
  • A highly versatile piece of functional training equipment that can be used to perform many number of exercises

How to Practice Kettlebell Yoga

Paired together, kettlebells and yoga can form a powerfully well-rounded and comprehensive health and fitness system. There are several shared principles of the two practices that enhance performance in both modalities, including:

Presence of mind. Yoga emphasizes paying attention to how your body, movement, breath, and your own practice feels at every moment. Kettlebell training works through multiple planes of motion at high speeds which demands laser-like concentration.

Posture. Yoga teaches about the core alignment of your body. These same guidelines are followed when lifting kettlebells.

Breathing. In both yoga and kettlebell training, the breath is coordinated with every movement and a strong focus is kept on the breathing.

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